Hidden UI components
Custom UI components can be hidden providing a null
as the value for a component in `components In this case, all configurable UI components are hidden.
import { TLUiComponents, Tldraw } from 'tldraw'
import 'tldraw/tldraw.css'
// The type here is include only to ensure this example contains all possible ui components,
const components: Required<TLUiComponents> = {
ContextMenu: null,
ActionsMenu: null,
HelpMenu: null,
ZoomMenu: null,
MainMenu: null,
Minimap: null,
StylePanel: null,
PageMenu: null,
NavigationPanel: null,
Toolbar: null,
KeyboardShortcutsDialog: null,
QuickActions: null,
HelperButtons: null,
DebugPanel: null,
DebugMenu: null,
SharePanel: null,
MenuPanel: null,
TopPanel: null,
CursorChatBubble: null,
RichTextToolbar: null,
Dialogs: null,
Toasts: null,
export default function UiComponentsHiddenExample() {
return (
<div className="tldraw__editor">
<Tldraw components={components} />
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