Using tldraw styles

The default tldraw UI will display UI for the styles of your selection or your current tool. For example, when you have two shapes selected that both have the tldraw's "size" style, the size selector will be displayed. If all of your selected shapes have the same value for this style, that value will be shown as selected in the panel. If they have different values, the panel will show the value as "mixed".

You can use tldraw's Styles API to create your own styles that behave in the same way, though you'll also need to create a custom UI for your style.

Alternatively, you can use tldraw's default styles in your own shapes. This example shows how to do that.

import {
} from 'tldraw'
import 'tldraw/tldraw.css'

// There's a guide at the bottom of this file!

const FONT_SIZES: Record<TLDefaultSizeStyle, number> = {
	s: 14,
	m: 25,
	l: 38,
	xl: 48,

type IMyShape = TLBaseShape<
		w: number
		h: number
		// [1]
		size: TLDefaultSizeStyle
		color: TLDefaultColorStyle

class MyShapeUtil extends BaseBoxShapeUtil<IMyShape> {
	static override type = 'myshape' as const

	// [2]
	static override props = {
		w: T.number,
		h: T.number,
		size: DefaultSizeStyle,
		color: DefaultColorStyle,

	getDefaultProps(): IMyShape['props'] {
		return {
			w: 300,
			h: 300,
			size: 'm',
			color: 'black',

	component(shape: IMyShape) {
		// eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/rules-of-hooks
		const theme = useDefaultColorTheme()

		return (
				style={{ backgroundColor: 'var(--color-low-border)', overflow: 'hidden' }}
						// [3]
						fontSize: FONT_SIZES[shape.props.size],
						color: theme[shape.props.color].solid,
					Select the shape and use the style panel to change the font size and color

	indicator(shape: IMyShape) {
		return <rect width={shape.props.w} height={shape.props.h} />

const customShapeUtils = [MyShapeUtil]

export default function ShapeWithTldrawStylesExample() {
	return (
		<div className="tldraw__editor">
				onMount={(editor) => {
					editor.createShape({ type: 'myshape', x: 100, y: 100 })


This file shows a custom shape that uses tldraw's default styles. 
For more on custom shapes, see our Custom Shape example.

In this example, our custom shape will use the size and color styles from the
default styles. When typing a custom shape, you can use our types for
these styles.

For the shape's props, we'll pass the DefaultSizeStyle and DefaultColorStyle
styles for the two properties, size and color. There's nothing special about
these styles except that the editor will notice when two shapes are selected
that share the same style. (You can use the useRelevantStyles hook to get the
styles of the user's selected shapes.)

Here in the component, we'll use the styles to change the way that our shape
appears. The style values themselves are just strings, like 'xl' or 'black',
so it's up to you to decide how to use them. In this example, we're using the
size to set the text's font-size property, and also using the default theme
(via the useDefaultColorTheme hook) to get the color for the text.
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