Trademark Guidelines

This trademark policy was prepared to help you understand how to use the tldraw trademarks, service marks and logos.

While the copyright to our open source software is licensed under the tldraw license, our trademarks appearing in or on the open source software are the exclusive property of tldraw Inc. This means that our open source license does not include a license to use our trademarks.

Because we make some of our code available to download and modify, proper use of our trademarks is essential to inform people whether or not tldraw stands behind a product or service. When using tldraw trademarks, you must comply with these tldraw Trademark Guidelines.

This policy is intended to explain how to use our trademarks in a way that is consistent with background law and community expectations. This policy covers:

  1. Our word trademarks and service marks: tldraw
  2. Our logos: The tldraw logos

This policy encompasses all trademarks and service marks, whether they are registered or not.

General guidelines

Whenever you use one of our marks, you must always do so in a way that does not mislead anyone about what they are getting and from whom.

Do not use the tldraw marks in any way that could mistakenly imply that tldraw has reviewed, approved or guaranteed your goods or services. You also cannot use our logo on your website in a way that suggests that your website is an official website or that we endorse your website. You can, though, say you like the tldraw software, that you use tldraw, that the analytics are powered by tldraw or that you participate in the tldraw community.

Do not use the "tl" prefix in a way that could mistakenly imply that your product is related to tldraw. For example, an analytics product that uses tldraw should not use the name "tlanalytics".

You may not use or register our marks or variations of them as part of your trademark, business, product, service, app, domain name, social media account or business indicator. You may not use our marks as a part of an advertising campaign. You may not display tldraw trademarks more prominently than your product, service or company name. You may not use tldraw trademarks on merchandise for sale (e.g., selling t-shirts, mugs, etc).

Trademark law does not allow your use of names or trademarks that are too similar to ours. You therefore may not use an obvious variation of any of our marks or any phonetic equivalent, foreign language equivalent, takeoff, or abbreviation for a similar or compatible product or service.

Acceptable uses

You can use the tldraw name to truthfully and accurately refer to or identify tldraw and its products and services in the following instances:

Prohibited uses

Unless you have express written permission from tldraw, or your use is permitted pursuant to the acceptable uses set forth above, the use of tldraw trademarks is strictly prohibited. Here is a short, non-exhaustive list of the kinds of uses that are not permitted without tldraw’s express written permission but that tldraw may consider granting you the right to do should you request permission:

In the above cases:

To request the use of the trademarks

Anyone wishing to use any of tldraw’s trademarks in a manner other than the acceptable uses listed above, including but not limited to marketing, promotion or advertising, or on software derivative of tldraw software, must obtain tldraw’s express, written permission in advance.

To request the use of the trademarks in a manner or for a purpose not expressly permitted in these guidelines, including use for any purpose of the logos, please email to discuss. If you need clarification on whether your use qualifies, please ask.

To report misuse

If you want to report misuse of a tldraw trademark, please email

Last updated: November 7 2023

These guidelines are based on the Model Trademark Guidelines, available at, used under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license:


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