Interactive shape

By default the editor handles pointer events, but sometimes you want to handle interactions on your shape in your own ways, for example via a button. You can do this by using the css property pointer events: all and stopping event propagation. In this example we want our todo shape to have a checkbox so the user can mark them as done.

Check out my-interactive-shape-util.tsx to see how we create the shape.

import { Tldraw } from 'tldraw'
import 'tldraw/tldraw.css'

import { myInteractiveShape } from './my-interactive-shape-util'

// There's a guide at the bottom of this file!

// [1]
const customShapeUtils = [myInteractiveShape]

export default function InteractiveShapeExample() {
	return (
		<div className="tldraw__editor">
				onMount={(editor) => {
					editor.createShape({ type: 'my-interactive-shape', x: 100, y: 100 })

By default the editor handles pointer events, but sometimes you want to handle 
interactions on your shape in your own ways, for example via a button. You can do this 
by using the css property `pointer events: all` and stopping event propagation. In 
this example we want our todo shape to have a checkbox so the user can mark them as 

Check out my-interactive-shape-util.tsx to see how we create the shape. 
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