Release Notes – April 18th 2024

New sticky notes and huge improvements to performance.

April 18, 2024
Release Notes – April 18th 2024

Hey! Welcome back to another tldraw release. We’ve got so much to show you: new stickies, faster performance and many improvements and fixes. You can try them now on, or read on for the full changes.

What's new

This release includes our new and improved sticky notes. The notes have a new look, new shadows, and some new interactions, too.

Improved sticky notes

Improved sticky notes

Along with new colors, our notes now include randomized shadows and lighting effects, giving your stickies a wobbliness that we think fits better with the rest of the tldraw shapes.

Rotating shadows

On the interaction side, a note will now automatically snap while dragging into grid positions next to other notes.

Grid snapping

You can create notes in adjacent positions by clicking or dragging the bumpy handles on the edge of a note.

Creating notes using handles

…or by using new keyboard shortcuts while editing. To create a new note to the side, press the Tab key. To create a new note below, press Command/Control + Enter. Combine with the Shift key to create a note in the opposite direction.

Keyboard shortcuts

We also now dynamically adjust the font size in notes to avoid broken words.

Dynamic font size


This release also includes dozens of performance improvements. The canvas should now feel faster while panning, zooming, and working with large documents. Performance on iOS devices should be significantly faster, especially when working with text.


Best of all, we’ve sped up our canvas enough that we were able to remove the delayed rendering of off-screen shapes, meaning no more grey boxes when panning to a new part of the screen.

We’ve also improved the experience of editing text labels. While editing a text label, you can now click directly into another text label to start editing that one immediately. And while editing a text label, you can click ‘through’ certain thin shapes, like freehand lines and arrows. And we now bring off-screen editing text labels into view.

Editing text labels

We’ve updated translations for Romanian. Thanks to Vlad Ilie for the help!


  • Fixed a bug where the board name could overflow into the people menu.
  • Fixed toolbar items not showing their titles when hovered.
  • Fixed a bug with cursor chat button appearing when it shouldn’t.
  • Fixed a bug that could occur while pinching with the hand tool selected.
  • Fixed a bug that could prevent users from editing the board name while editing a shape.
  • Fixed the context menu showing an option to edit link on locked shapes.

We also secretly added the color white. Press Alt/Option + T to select it.

White color

Don't tell anyone.

As always, try out the changes on and let us know what you think. Find us on twitter, mastodon, discord, and now linkedin!

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